Sign-Up & First Two (2) Months' Gym Fee - Trilogy Performance Sports Cadiz
Retail Value:
Sale Price:
$12.80 (32%)
In Stock
Available for instant redemption on your mobile device.
Trilogy Performance Sports Cadiz is more than just a gym. It's a place where you can:
- Train with top branded equipment like Hammer Strength and Life-fitness with plate-loaded and selectorized machine options.
?Play basketball or Pickleball.
- Be part of a friendly and supportive community.
Trilogy Performance Sports Cadiz, where fitness is fun!
Pricing & Discounts:
Open Gym: Access all equipment during regular hours - $30.00/ month, individual.
After Hours: 4:00 am - 12:00 am for those 18 & older - $34.99/ month, individual.
Active Military/First Responder- 50%
Family Member - 25% for each IMMEDIATE family member
Inactive Military - 15%
Trigg County Students: $20.00/ month parent/legal guardian must sign them up. Students under 14 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who is a gym member. NO exceptions
Prices do NOT include taxes and fees.
How to Use a Digital Certificate
No cash back. No cash value. No credit given. Customers may buy and use as many as they would like.