Adams Breezy Hill Farm & Restaurant
Adams Breezy Hill Farm and Restaurant is a delightful establishment nestled in a beautiful country setting, located just a few short miles from historic downtown Princeton, KY on Hwy 139. We strive on a daily basis to provide a wonderful dining experience for each and every one of our patrons through exceptional food and customer service. We promise to be well worth the short drive from wherever you may hail from.
We offer a variety of delicious lunch and dinner options, each embellished with our own personal twist. From delicious homemade chicken salad served on homemade sourdough bread, to our incredible fruit and nut salad, to the most succulent rib-eye steak you have ever put in your mouth, over one-inch thick pork chops, extra large chicken breasts, Brick Oven Pizza, to our wide variety of homemade ice creams, there is bound to be something on our extensive menu to please everyone’s tastes!
We also offer our venue for weddings, bridal, and baby showers, as well as birthdays. Just call and ask for details.
We want every aspect of your experience with us to be a favorable one. Our hope is that you feel relaxed and welcome while you are here, and absolutely satisfied and happy when you leave.
We look forward to seeing you real soon!
Adams Breezy Hill Farm & Restaurant Items
Retail Value: $25.00
Your Price: $20.00
In Stock